

Indo Pacific Edelman






Bank Indonesia

As the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia is an independent state institution. It’s single objective is to achieve and maintain the stability of Rupiah value. To achieve the single objective, Bank Indonesia shall perform three tasks, representing the Three Pillars of Bank Indonesia : (1) To formulate and to implement monetary policies; (2) To regulate and maintain the smoothness of payment system operation; and (3) To regulate and supervise bank. Recognizing the importance of support from stakeholders to realize its objectives, Bank Indonesia consistently improves its relationships with stakeholders. It helps Bank Indonesia to ensure that stakeholders understand the tasks and responsibilities of Bank Indonesia and to create adaptability between the interests of stakeholders and those of Bank Indonesia. The organization structure of Bank Indonesia comprises four main sectoral: monetary, banking, payment system, and internal management as a supporting sectoral. It consist of 28 directorate and special unit, 37 branch offices and 4 representative offices overseas.


Japfa Comfeed



GarudaFood is a leading national food and beverage company in Indonesia, producing many well-known products such as peanut (Garuda), biscuit (Gery), jelly (Okky and Okky Jelly Drink), Mountea (flavor tea). With its mission To Enrich Human Life with More Choices of Quality Tastes, GarudaFood always serve high quality product to meet customer’s satisfaction to accomplish Vision 2012 To Become A Trend-setting, Agile and Lean F&B industry.

Now, GarudaFood’s products has reach nationwide and distribute in more than 20 countries. As a company with social and environmental awareness, GarudaFood established a special CSR program in line with the Company’s business strategy called GarudaFood Sehati. GarudaFood Sehati strictly adheres to five main pillars: Improving Public Health, Caring for the Environment, Humanitarian Aid, Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and wider access to education.


XL Results Foundation



Media Partner


B&B Magazine

Majalah B&B adalah majalah bulanan khusus outdoor advertising, marketing dan public relations. Majalah ini diterbitkan oleh PT Media Indra Buana (MIB). Didirikan oleh Bapak Nyomananda tahun 2003. Terbit setiap awal bulan dengan oplaag 5000 eksemplar dan didistribusikan di Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Salatiga, Jogja, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Medan, Pekanbaru, Batam, Makasar, Manado dan sejumlah kota lainnya. Sebagian besar pelanggannya adalah praktisi/pengamat/akademisi/ pelajar/mahasiswa di bidang periklanan, public relations dan marketing.

Anda dapat membelinya di sejumlah toko buku buku Gramedia dan Gunung Agung dengan harga Rp 19.800. Secara gratis Anda bisa membacanya di sejumlah café, salon, hotel dan public places lainnya. Secara gratis pula, majalah ini kami kirimkan untuk sejumlah kampus yang memiliki fakultas komunikasi.

Bila Anda berkepentingan atau ingin berkomunikasi dengan kami, hubungi 021-5733566 (ext 400 dan 401), fax 5733003 atau 0815-11278871 (Bosko). Email [email protected] atau ke [email protected]. Alamat kantor : Jl Bendungan Hilir Raya GII/10 B, Jakarta Pusat.


Bisnis Indonesia


SWA sembada

where business move

"...companies must be able to build excellent strategic and tactical..."


To suceed, companies must be able to build excellent strategic and tactical actions. Todays, companies are waging a war against one another in very tight competition period.

Contributing on more than 20 years of innovation, SWA helps or local or global businesses people and corporate communities through its leading articles with great & reliable success story. With ,more than 51.219 copies of nationwide circulation, we help to communicate your good image, excellent product or service commitment to your potential market that usually difficult to meet.

Well known as the most reputable leading business magazine read by major Indonesia executives, professionals and decision makers, certainly we're committed to always delivering all the readers and partners with highly satisfaction services. And, relating with thirty seven percent of SWA readres is strong independent career women and equally diserve in depth information on the current business affairs, that's why SWA is not only providing information or business opportunity with fresh and original business ideas. we also helping you reaching the excellent conectivity to various bussiness communities through our off prints activities. Support with a very sound research and selective strategic partners, we are not only give rough data and facts, but turn it to be a comperhensive analysis and far beyond prediction.

ADVERTISING DIVISION : Zetta, Arie, Amoer; Yoga (seminar)

Address: Jl. Taman Tanah Abang III No.23 Jakarta 10160 – Indonesia, Telephone: +6221 – 3523839 (hunting), +6221 – 3449528 (advertising hotline), Fax: +6221–3853759, 3457338, E-mail: [email protected]

Website : www.swa.co.id


Business Review



“As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself.” ~ Joyce Maynard

Raising a family has never been easy. The changing challenges of life are not making it any easier. Financial constraints often lead to a family with two working parents. Time constraints often lead to communication gaps between child and parents. Society is evolving. Parenting—the most important task in the world—also needs to evolve. A child needs physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual support from her parents. Parents can provide all that support for a child only if they’ve fulfilled their own needs in those matters.

DFM fulfills those needs. DFM provides all the knowledge, skills, and attitude parents need, attractively packaged in informative and inspiring talkshow and music programs. Health, education, and social concerns are merely some of the important subjects covered. DFM also assist parents in facing their professional and business concerns, because DFM understands that work-life balance can only be achieved not by separation, but by harmonious integration.

Success starts from home, and it starts with great parenting. Great parenting starts with great parents.



Surya Citra Televisi merupakan stasiun televisi keluarga No. 1 di Indonesia yang terus menerus mengoptimalkan potensi usahanya dengan mengikuti trend pemirsa dan industri media global yang makin mutakhir teknologinya. Dengan logo dan slogan yang tegas dan dinamis yaitu "Satu Untuk Semua", SCTV bersama dengan induk perusahaannya, SCM, terus melakukan evaluasi dan persiapan yang matang dalam mempersiapkan pengembangan bidang-bidang baru dengan memanfaatkan teknologi terkini.

Didirikan pada Agustus 1990 pertama kali sebagai stasiun televisi regional yang siarannya diterima secara terbatas untuk wilayah Gerbang Kertosusila (Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, dan Lamongan) SCTV berkembang sangat pesat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Selama tiga tahun SCTV siaran regional Jatim dan Bali, pada tahun 1993, pemerintah mengijinkan SCTV siaran nasional dengan pusat siaran di Surabaya.Pada tahun 1999, SCTV melakukan siarannya secara nasional dari Jakarta. SCTV dengan misi untuk memberikan informasi, pendidikan sekaligus hiburan bagi masyarakat, hingga kini dapat menjangkau lebih dari 240 kota di Indonesia melalui 47 stasiun transmisi, dan memiliki lebih dari 175 juta potensi pemirsa.

SCTV memperoleh pengakuan yang luas untuk program-program hiburan dan beritanya yang senantiasa aktual dan bermutu tinggi, melalui penghargaan-penghargaan nasional dan internasional yang diterima SCTV antara lain Panasonic Award, Asian Televison Award, Anugerah Kebudayaan dari Menteri Pariwisata & Kebudayaan, dll. Pemilihan program yang terseleksi dan disukai pemirsa, liputan investigasinya yang bermutu tinggi, konsep-konsep produksi inhouse yang kreatif dan menarik, menjadi andalan strategi SCTV dalam menarik pemirsanya. Ini merupakan komitmen SCTV untuk selalu memberikan tayangan bermutu dan terbaik bagi pemirsanya.

Selain di industri penyiaran, SCTV juga memiliki komitmen penuh pada bidang kemanusiaan. Ini diwujudkan dengan membentuk Pundi Amal SCTV yang menggalang dana pemirsa dan mendistribusikannya ke seluruh Indonesia dalam tiga pilar utama: pendidikan, kesehatan dan lingkungan. Tak luput juga dari pemantauan Pundi Amal SCTV adalah membantu warga masyarakat yang mengalami bencana alam dalam bentuk layanan kesehatan, bantuan darurat ataupun rehabilitasi fasilitas social atau umum.



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